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Tag Archives: Years Ago

65 Years Ago, Paris

French photographer André Zucca was hired by the Nazi propaganda magazine Signal to capture scenes of Paris flourishing under German occupation. Joseph Goebbels decreed that the French capital should be “animated and gay” to show off the “new Europe.” Zucca was provided with rare Agfacolor film. His are the only known color photographs of occupied […]

30 Years Ago, Tehran

Magnum Photos: Pre-Khomeini Iran

1 Year Ago, Coney Island

Photos by Piotr Redlinski

Harlem, 1970

The neighborhood was like a rundown version of Paris in which life was lived outside, on the streets, amid the fading glory of its grand boulevards. The Harlem That Was by Camilo José Vergara, Slate Harlem, 1970-2009: Photographs by Camilo José Vergara New York Historical Society April 30—July 12, 2009

20 Years Ago, Beijing

Scelere velandum est scelus. One crime must be concealed by another. —Seneca On June 4, 1989, seven weeks of peaceful protest were ended with tanks and guns. The world watched as soldiers fired on students, workers, and ordinary citizens demonstrating for democracy and human rights. Many were shot in the back as they fled. The […]

120 Years Ago, Coney Island