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Tag Archives: France

Henri Cartier-Bresson

A Cartier-Bresson picture taken in Shanghai, 1948, shows people storming a bank for gold in the days before the Communist forces arrived. A 1972 photo of a Georgian family picnicking near a medieval monastery A Photographer Whose Beat Was the World, New York Times Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century MoMA April 11—June 28, 2010

65 Years Ago, Paris

French photographer André Zucca was hired by the Nazi propaganda magazine Signal to capture scenes of Paris flourishing under German occupation. Joseph Goebbels decreed that the French capital should be “animated and gay” to show off the “new Europe.” Zucca was provided with rare Agfacolor film. His are the only known color photographs of occupied […]

Opinel Knife

The Opinel knife was invented by Joseph Opinel in about 1895. In 1565 King Charles IX of France had ordered every master knife-maker to place an emblem on his products to guarantee their origin and quality. Respecting this tradition, Joseph Opinel chose as his emblem “The Crowned Hand”. In 1985 Opinel was recognised as one […]