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Tag Archives: Magnum Photos

Henri Cartier-Bresson

A Cartier-Bresson picture taken in Shanghai, 1948, shows people storming a bank for gold in the days before the Communist forces arrived. A 1972 photo of a Georgian family picnicking near a medieval monastery A Photographer Whose Beat Was the World, New York Times Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century MoMA April 11—June 28, 2010

30 Years Ago, Tehran

Magnum Photos: Pre-Khomeini Iran

20 Years Ago, Beijing

Scelere velandum est scelus. One crime must be concealed by another. —Seneca On June 4, 1989, seven weeks of peaceful protest were ended with tanks and guns. The world watched as soldiers fired on students, workers, and ordinary citizens demonstrating for democracy and human rights. Many were shot in the back as they fled. The […]